Manners at Temples & Shrines 参拝方法
There are mainly 2 types of religious buildings, i.e., Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines which have coexisted since the 6th century.
The religious statues in temples are also works of art and some of them are designated as National Treasure or Important Cultural Asset.
Each shrines has its own god/gods, e.g., god of love, god of prosperous business, god of economic fortune. In case you wish a boyfriend/girlfriend, it may be recommendable to worship at a “Love Shrine”.
Manners for worship
The protocol for temples and shrines are slightly different as below.
at temples
Please rinse your hands and mouth at the font:Chouzuya. If Incense Sticks & Candles are prepared near the main hall, you may light them before worship.
Throw a coin into the offering box as a gesture of thanks for a prayer answered.(Small coin is acceptable. It seems Japanese people mostly use 5 yen coin.)
Face the Buddha statue and make a bow. Then, put your hands together quietly and express your wish in your mind. Lastly, please make a bow again.
手水舎で手と口をすすぎ、本殿の近くに線香・ろうそくが用意されていれば火をつけて納めます。お賽銭を投げ入れ、仏様にお辞儀をして、静かに手を合わせて心の中でお願い事を… 最後に一礼。
at shrines
Basically same protocol, but after throwing a coin in front of the main hall, bow twice and clap twice. Then, put your hands together quietly and express your wish in your mind. Lastly, please make a bow again.
基本的に同じ様式ですが、拝殿前でお賽銭を投げ入れた後に二拝・二拍手。そして、静かに手を合わせて心の中でお願い事を… 最後に一礼。
sourced from 御朱印帳専門店HollyHock
For you information
If you would be another religious believer, you don’t have to make a worship. You may visit there simply for sightseeing to enjoy the beauty of JAPAN.
#Temple #Shrine #worship #manner #寺院 #神社 #参拝方法